Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why Not Me?

When faced with changes ahead of us, many of my colleagues and I are having nervous moments about the future. Even though we have some time to go, if we don't move to London then our income from our company will probably stop within 6-8 months. When you look around the market, it is daunting prospect to be out there looking for a job. But it is not impossible.

A phrase I heard from a guy called Donny Deutsch, in a book titled "Often Wrong, Never in Doubt" recently came back to me. He always looked around at successful people and asked himself the question "Why Not Me?" What is so special about those people in good jobs, or having books published, or having great family and kids, or whatever it is you aspire to?

I believe a high level of Focus and Concentration can overcome many gaps in terms of talent. But there is one additional quality that strengthens those two in tough times - and that's confidence. We have to keep confidence in ourselves that we have qualities and skills, and the change in our work environment does not change our person.

People are worried about the job market, and it is fair to be concerned. But the world will continue to buy and sell things, and people will continue to move position, which means companies will still need people. There will be fewer jobs available, for sure, but there will still be jobs and customers. We just need to have the confidence to say every time we apply, "Somebody will get this job, Why Not Me?"

I am now considering setting up a Business Coaching company. When I talk to others about this, they say, quite rightly, it is a cut-throat market, and will only get tougher as the economy worsens. But I think to myself "there will be people who need coaching in these times, and somebody will match their service to those needs. There will be business to be done. Why Not Me?"

My aim will be to give the highest Focus and Concentration on the business I want to set up and the customers I want to serve, and do it with confidence, so that it IS me that gets the work.