Friday, February 27, 2009

The Final 1%

Today I agreed with management my leaving date. My last day with the company will be 29th April this year.

It has been a strange week as the reality of change really hits us all. Everyone is in the flow of having to make up their minds, and at the end of next week, the first people have to decide. Day by day over the following 3 weeks, the decisions will be made by almost 200 people - stay, or move to London. It will again be a dramatic period.

But for me, it is done already and I am glad for that. It is a huge relief to know the timeline.

Now I feel an amazing calm settle over me. It feels like 20 kilos just lifted off my shoulders. 16 years with this company will come to an end, while the next phase is open and anything is possible. The severance package leaves me with a window of time to do whatever I want. It's like a gift and a challenge all at the same time, as if somebody hands it over and says "here, have this - enough money to pay your bills for a couple of years - let's see what you can do!"

I met a friend, Mieke, recently. She started up her own training company after 8 years with Canon, and I was so impressed with the way she has gone about it. Developing people is what she is really passionate about and that part shines through. But she also realises that to be able to do what she cares about, she needs customers. Her approach to get customers is highly creative. I felt I could learn so much from her.

Also very clear was how her pure nature beamed out at me from inside, in a way I never fully saw in the office. She has always been a creative and connecting person with great ideas. But the confines of the corporate held her in check and now she is pushing all boundaries with confidence and huge enthusiasm. Seeing Mieke developing gave me hope and inspiration that maybe I am operating within my own capabilities. If I move beyond the boundaries, anything is truly possible. I want to shine too.

As I came to the realisation today that it is coming to an end, I sat quietly at home and calculated how long exactly I have worked for Canon, and how much is left. By 29th April, it will be approximately 836 weeks that I have worked. I have 8 weeks and 3 days left. That means 99% of my Canon life is done already, and the last 1% remains.

I plan to make the most of it, to connect with and support as many people as possible, and to make a memorable farewell party. It feels good to be moving on, and taking all of the memories and friendships along with me.