Sunday, April 26, 2009

Amsterdam in the sun

In the last 2 weeks, Amsterdam has been all but sun-drenched. Amazingly this was the warmest April in Amsterdam in 300 years. It was a genuine surprise to wake up this morning to the sound of rain.

The atmosphere in most cities changes when the weather is good, but for some reason there is something really special about good weather in Amsterdam. People relax and are more friendly - they smile - and are more accepting and courteous.

Probably the fact that it rains here so often is a big factor in this change. There is something about the knowledge that a thing you are enjoying is temporary that makes the enjoyment that much deeper. It makes me feel I have to take in as much as possible of it, simply because I know it will be different soon.

It's been like that at our company, where the knowledge that many of us are going in different directions in the coming months has brought about a different atmosphere. Amongst the disappointment and concern at losing our jobs or having to move to London, there has been a sharp focus on the current inter-personal relationships. The big friendships will stay - it's rather the coffee-corner chat, the smiles on the way to the canteen and the small talks in the corridor that we will miss. But perhaps knowing that it will shortly be over has helped us to savour and value those relationships more.

My time at the company is at an end in just 3 days time. And those who think my main aim is to enjoy the sun in the coming weeks are mistaken! As of Monday May 4th, I start my working life as a writer. I consider that I am changing job, not leaving Canon. The plan is to research my book thoroughly in the coming months, and that is going to take time, focus and concentration.

But for now I concentrate on enjoying the connections with the people and on making my farewell party on Tuesday a memorable one. That will give me the ending I need to be able to make that shift from Canon employee to Writer.

And if the sun shines this week, that will be a bonus.