Thursday, November 20, 2008

Turning the pressure of "Re-Location" to a positive

It's now a full two weeks since I first heard the news of the possible re-location. I feel a cycle of emotions developing.

My first reaction was strength - "I can handle this, it is an opportunity to make a change." Then I spent a number of days feeling like a victim - "how dare they do this to me, it's not fair". Now I am at the stage of thinking "I need to work on myself to get through this situation".

Feeling strong is, I think, the defence mechanism. I felt out of control of the situation, so to take control, I said to myself that I would be the one to decide what happens next in my life. But this is a time of high emotion, and the size of the change began to hit me. Potential things like having to start a complete new set of colleagues in a new company, or the possibility of being without a job for some period, came into view, which brought me to the victim stage. It starts to feel unfair that I have to deal with all this, why can't I just carry on like I have been? Why am I being forced to change?

In the last couple of days I have started to work practically on the issue. First, I need to make sure I have my finances in order - yesterday was spent at home doing this and assessing my real expense. Every less Euro I spend in the next 6-8 months is a Euro more security in the coming period of uncertainty. Next, I need my mind and body in order to handle it and deal with the pressure. So I have changd my diet and started a proper exercise program.

Then you reflect and realise that these and other changes could have been made any time. Why now? If I am honest, I have been drifting for a long time, and have often asked myself "what am I waiting for? I want to make changes, why don't I do it?"

Maybe the answer is I had no pressure to do it. It's a horrible situation for many people. Each person has a different situation and issues to deal with. My way to do it is to use the pressure and make changes in my life to adapt to it, and be ready for whatever is thrown at me in the coming 12-18 months.